Saturday, May 23, 2009

So She Comes Back…

I never intended to stop blogging. I just never could seem to get back to it. Life kept going. Little People needed loving, Big People needed it too, and there were always mouths to feed, faces to wash, chores to do...the details of life to see to. The thing about blogging, is that thankfully, the blog does not holler if you forget to feed it. The new fish in our house does not, either, which is why I suspect his days are numbered.

I actually never did stop blogging totally. I just never wrote it down. I often blog in my head as I go through the days. I silently mull over what things I would say to no one in particular if there were ever an arena to articulate them.  Most of the time what I would say is just complaining anyway, so I skip the leaving evidence writing it down part on purpose. I also  struggled with the question of audience in blogging. Who exactly is reading this and who exactly am I writing this for? The less I know about who is reading, the better off I imagine myself to be, that way I am not worrying who I will offend or what So-And-So will think of what I write. Regarding who it is for...well, while I would like to say very assuredly that I am writing this for 'the Lord', I suspect that it is really just for me. I usually feel better after writing things down, and for now, I am OK with that being the only reason.

A few months ago, after I was once again lamenting that I can never get everything done, a friend lectured exhorted me that there is always ample time in the day to everything 'that the Lord really wants (me) to do'. Ever eager (unfortunately) to latch on to a dose of condemnation and guilt, I saw this advice and raised it a bit. My self-imposed rules for what needed to be done before I could ____ (blog, paint my toenails, sit still and quiet for five minutes, etc.) never left any room for anything fun whatsoever. After finally (why did I not think of this sooner?) consulting Mr. Visionary about the question of blogging, we discussed how the To-Do List never ends and that my work could conceivably never be done. His advice? Blog anyway.

The truth is, there really are a few folks whom I really do like to have read here. Our schedule is so hectic, and I see Mr. Visionary so little four days out of the week, that I really like it when he catches up on my blog sometimes and then wants to discuss something I wrote. A post Holly put up a few days ago reminded me of the other audience I especially love - my children. I thought about how wonderful it will be for her children to look back at that video (and that post). The things you want to say do not always get said in the hustle and bustle of normal days in a large family. I want my children to be able to look at this (online now, but on paper years from now) and see what my thoughts were toward them. I suspect that there are parts of our life now -especially my thoughts toward them- that they just will not fully understand until they are Mommas and Daddies themselves.

So, without further long, drawn-out explanation, I'm back. I hope to be able to pop in more often now. And I'll be sure to give you an update on the family, the happenings, and  all the luscious baby chub around here!

It is perfectly alright to say, "Well I was wondering where you were!" And if you're reading this on Bloglines, I updated the sidebar finally - come see.


  1. I hope no matter how long the pauses, you never stop altogether, as we hope to be prayer partners with you once you make the trip to Israel.

    PS- PLEASE share the recipe and how-to of laco-fermented salsa. I've heard of the pickles and cabbage, but never salsa!

  2. Glad you are back! I love all the info you share and look forward to reading it---when I get the chance. We also have a newborn--a little over a month old now--plus four older children.

  3. great to see you back, Julie. Looking forward to reading your posts again, I've missed your blog :)

  4. It so nice to see you again. :) I've been wondering how you're all doing but I've assumed all is well and busy as can be. I blog in my mind, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Sometimes I blog in my sleep. *rolleyes* Typing and everything...

    OH and DH has announced that we WILL be going to Israel in the near future - as soon as we have saved enough to afford the trip and have someone to take care of the farm while we're gone. It's all in the L-RD's hands, if it's His will. Maybe our families will be able to work the vineyards together. :)

  5. Yay! So glad you're back. I was afraid we'd never hear from you again. ;)

    Looking forward to some pictures of the babies (please?) :D

  6. So glad to see you back! I really enjoy reading your blog. Looking forward to hearing what your little ones are up to these days!

  7. Hey lady! So nice to see you! :) YES to baby pictures! :)

  8. Julie, I am so glad you are back. I have followed you at homestead blogger and now here. I love to keep up with you, as the Lord allows.

  9. I am so glad you are back. I have enjoyed reading your blog. I just now read your "fine print" about comments and LOVE it. Wonderful!
    Mrs. White

  10. Hi Sweet Sister....missed your blogging :) I know how it is....I'll call soon to check on you :)
    Much Love,
    Cheri & the boys

  11. Welcome back! Life does get so busy, doesn't it? I'm so thankful to be able to network with sisters in Christ all over the world. Blessings to you, whether you're able to post at the time or not. That being said, we're certainly blessed when you do!
    Peace be unto you and yours, Jen

  12. Hi Julie!!
    I have been following your blog for 'while' and have gleaned much wisdom for myself and that has been of benefit to others. I clicked on the link to your blog again to day wondering if "today" would be the day you returned. Well, you returned before I checked, but it is with joy that I "greet you" again!
    ~Evelyn Mae

  13. Long time no see...but glad to see you are back. You surely lack for nothing to the absence is most understandable.

    Hubby and I are also talking of a trip to Israel!! Would be so fun to go with other like minded folks!! We are thinking of maybe November cause hubby can get off work then a bit easier we think.

  14. Wow! I was just telling someone how I missed reading your blog!
    We missed you so much!

  15. I, for one, am glad you're back! By simply allowing us a window into your life you are teaching us younger women how to love our husbands and children and have a home that glorifies the Lord, even if it's not your primary intention. So thank you and welcome back!

  16. Melissa (in Vermont)June 15, 2009 at 1:56 PM

    I'm glad you are back. Your babies look beautiful. Thought I would say hello since you are wondering who is out there ;o) BTW I am good friends with Julie Glover and found your blog last year via her ;o)

  17. WooHoo! I found your blog just about the time you had the twins. I've been checking back in regularly and reading lots of your old posts. I'm celebrating today that you are BACK!


Before writing your comment, be sure to read the Fine Print!